Climate change in Antarctica melts ice the size of Argentina in past decade and a half
New York, July 31, 2023, Monday In the year 2023, the world is experiencing intense heat. Northern Hemisphere has recorded the highest temperature. On the other hand, a terrible climate change is being experienced in the southern part. Antarctic sea ice has experienced an unprecedented decline. Every year during summer, the snow starts to melt in the last days of February, while in winter, the snow refreezes, but the amount of snow decreases as it does not freeze as much as it melts. Snow records have been kept for 45 years, with record-breaking declines in the past few years, the researchers noted. According to data from the National Snow Ice Data Center, there is 1.6 million square km less snow compared to 2022. Antarctic sea ice in mid-July was 2.6 million square km less than in 1981 to 2010. This ice-covered area is equal to the area of the North American country of Argentina. This is not an ordinary event that happens once in a million years. Citing a glacier expert at the ...