The mysterious object found off the coast of Australia turned out to be the debris of India's PSLV rocket

image : Twitter

Canberra, dated 31. July. 2023

The Australian space agency has revealed that the strange poor object found on the coast of Australia is the debris of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle launched by the Indian space agency ISRO.

The space agency has denied that this is debris from the Chandrayaan rocket and has said that the PSLV is a medium launch vehicle and is operated by ISRO. The debris has been secured and is being worked on in collaboration with ISRO. The purpose behind which is to consider the obligations under the United Nations Space Treaty and take the next decision.

The space agency has appealed to the public to report any suspicious debris to local authorities or the Australian Space Agency.

Notably, when this mysterious object appeared on the seashore, people were asked to stay away from it. Its shape was so mysterious that even the police were taken aback. However, after that there were speculations that it was the debris of a spaceship or a rocket and it has finally come true.


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