The unique Butterfly Valley attracts millions of tourists on Rhodes Island, Greece

Athens, July 31, 2023, Monday

Rhodes Island in Greece is very famous for tourism. More than 25 lakh tourists visit this beautiful and picturesque place every year. Rhodes is known for its forests and natural beauty but has recently come under fire due to the fierce forest fires that have swept through the island. The island's largest town, Rhodes, is located on its northeastern tip. Rhodes was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988 due to its preservation of Gothic and Ottoman structures.

Among the tourist attractions in Rhodes Island, Butterfly Valley is a favorite among nature lovers. The Pelekanos River Valley is a rare valley named after the Panakisaya quatripuncteria butter fly. The place is about 23 km south east of Rhodes town and only 10 km from the airport. This valley was noticed in 1930. Everyone was stunned to see such a large number of butterflies for the first time.

The scenic route of 1 km to Butterfly Valley becomes a memorable experience for the visitors. Enjoy the waterfalls, wooden pools and numerous butterfly habitats perched on the footpaths. The secret of the valley lies with the huge density of Liquidumber Styracus trees and the resin they produce. The sweet scent of the resin attracts butterflies. Butterflies were researched by the German entomologist Reinhard. Callimorphos Panakisia quatripuncteria is a beautifully colored species of butterfly. Large numbers gather in the valley during the months of June to September.

From January to February the butterflies are in the form of small eggs which are spread all over the island. In April these eggs hatch into tiny larvae that transform into chrysalis caterpillars. In May it takes on the form of a full butterfly. Migrates in early June due to heat. They stay till the end of September until they reach the valley, traveling mostly from place to place.

Butterflies are highly attracted to the resinous smell of Styrax trees as well as the coolness and humidity of the surroundings. Butterflies rest during the day but flee in fear when they are disturbed or heard. Disruption of one's natural cycle is a gift of death. Hence the nature lovers are not allowed to make any noise or noise. When many butterflies are flying, the shape of a cloud of butterflies is formed. Dotted wings, brown, orange colored butterflies take you to a different world.


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