The chip fitted in the brain has done wonders! Man runs mouse without touching, know Elon Musk's next plan

Image Source: Twitter

New delhi date. 21 February 2024 Wednesday

Elon Musk has demonstrated the greatest feat in human history. Recently, Neuralink implanted a chip in a human brain. The information was given by Alan Musk himself. Now according to the latest information, a person implanted with a chip has shown controlling a computer mouse without touching it. This information is obtained from media reports.

According to the report, Elon Musk shared this information during a space event held on the social media platform. He said that the program has gone well and the patient has fully recovered. In which no harm was done to him. The mouse was controlled only by the patient's thinking, after which the cursor moved from one side to the other on the screen.

What's next for Neuralink?

Neuralink is Elon Musk's company and he has revealed that his company has a big goal to achieve. Neuralink's next step is to interact with more difficult problems. In which it will also control the computer mouse button. In which he will not even touch the mouse. This will be done only by the signal from the chip implanted in the brain.

This year the chip was implanted in a human

Earlier in January, Elon Musk announced that the Neuralink chip has been implanted in a human for the first time. The company took approval on this issue in September last year, after which it started doing its work.

A chip implanted in the robot's brain

Neuralink uses a robot to implant a chip, which surgically implants a brain computer interface on the brain. In the early stages, the company's target is that humans can control a computer cursor or keyboard with just their thoughts.

Launch of Neuralink in 2016

Elon Musk started Neuralink in 2016. Which is a neuro technology company. It aims to create a seamless brain computer interface. The name of which is The Link. This will prove very useful for those people. Who cannot touch or eat anything with his hands.

The human brain through the chip will operate computers and mobiles

Musk said, “If the results are as expected, the human brain will operate computers and mobiles through this chip. Blind people can see. Human brain can do all the work, which is done by hands and feet. The brain can control the whole body. Musk further said, “The human brain was surgically implanted with a chip. The chip is implanted where the brain controls movement. The surgery was done with the help of a robot. The chip will be controlled with a user app.


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