Ye Kaun Chitrakar Hai, Nature's Spectacular Light Show Mesmerizes Tourists

Tromsø, 30 January 2024, Tuesday

There is an island in Norway called Tromsø. Thousands of tourists flock to the island from September to March to see the mesmerizing green and red lights in the sky. The light is scattered as if the colors have suddenly spilled out of the pots of nature's colors. Scientists call this the Northern Lights, which can be seen for hours.

Many parts of Norway, which has thousands of small islands, do not see the sun for days due to geographical reasons. In northern Norway and along the Arctic Ocean, the sun is visible for 6 months and not visible for 6 months. This nature's light show is a common occurrence for the local people who live in such conditions, but the tourists continue to flock in droves. In addition to the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden and Finland also have natural lights flashing in the sky, but Tromsø in Norway is best known for the sight of the Northern Lights.

People are left standing in the open in the bitter cold in the hinterlands. The weather must be clear and cloudless to see nature's light show. There was a time when the Northern Lights were considered to be the dance of the dead. BC Aristotle's book Metapologica referred to the light of the polar region as a flame of burning gas.

Until 1600 AD, there were many myths and legends about the Northern Lights, until the Earth's magnetic field was known. American diplomat and scientist Benjamin Franklin drew the world's attention by giving the theory of Northern Lights that this natural light is seen not only in the North but also in the South. This lightshow of nature on earth has existed for centuries.

The sun is a ball of fire. Solar storms and storms are a natural phenomenon in the sun. Solar storms consist of a type of charged particle that emits a beam of light when it collides with Earth's atmosphere. This phenomenon is called Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis as it occurs towards the North Pole. Aurora in Latin means Goddess of Dawn while Aurora Borealis means North Wind.

A natural light show in the southern hemisphere is known as the Southern Lights (Aurora Australis). As the Earth's magnetic pole is at the North and South Poles, this natural show is visible only at the North or South end of the Earth. According to the electromagnetic theory, charged particles always move towards the magnetic field, hence the Northern Lights are never observed in the equatorial region. Green color when charged particles of solar wind collide with oxygen, red color when they collide with nitrogen. Thousands of tourists are reaching to see the view of the Northern Lights.


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