TikTok makes children mentally ill..', 5000 parents reach court against Chinese app

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TikTok app Ban News | Thousands of parents in America have united against the Chinese app TikTok. More than 5,000 parents have filed a lawsuit against TikTok over the app's adverse effects on children's mental health. TikTok app was once very popular in America for its entertaining content. It is worth mentioning that this app is banned in India.

Deadlier than tobacco...

In this regard, many parents have called TikTok a more dangerous drug than tobacco in the digital age. This app is being blamed for having a negative impact on the mental health of teenagers. Now investigation has started against him. The legal action against TikTok started under the leadership of Claimshero.io which is now moving forward. Thousands of parents are demanding action against the Chinese-owned giant.

What parents have to say

Brittney Edwards, a native of Hertford, Connecticut, USA, is also among the parents who have filed a case against TikTok. He says my daughter is addicted to TikTok. I also saw in her TikTok posts that it seemed like she might be harming herself. After that I realized the downside of this app.

TikTok has limited parental rights

According to the information, the case claimed that TikTok took a controversial step in July 2023 and implemented a new rule that claimed that no parent could file any kind of claim against the platform after one year of their child's account being created on TikTok.


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