In Maldives, Muijju MPs were beaten to the ground by opposition MPs in the House itself

- Unprecedented rigging in the Maldives Parliament

- For decades it has been India that has aided the Maldives in times of scarcity, yet the former president and his allies took heat as Muijju turned to China.

Male: Maldivian President Mohammad Muijju's troubles continue to increase after deteriorating relations with India. The party of former President Mohammad Soweet has been extremely heated by Muijju's love for China. Also angry about spoiling relations with India. They say that India is our number 199 (the number of times of disaster). India has become 'Midnight Pride' when difficulties have arisen.

So the opposition MPs not only came to blows with Moijju's 'Maldivian Democratic Party' (MDP) but also beat Moijju's MPs to the ground. The senior leaders barely calmed down the matter.

These opposition MPs include MPs from 'People's National Congress' (PNC) and 'Progressive Party of Maldives' (PPM). He is a supporter of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solit.

The storm started when incumbent President Mohammad Muijju appeared with his cabinet at a special session of MPs called to seek approval for his cabinet members, which escalated from opposition members chanting slogans in protest, to open fistfights after Muijju's party MPs were confronted. The opposition MPs threw the ruling party MPs to the floor, started rioting and led to an indefinite adjournment of Parliament. Some senior members barely calmed down the matter. China's teeth soured.

According to the information received, Muijju is now so unknown that the opposition is preparing to impeach him.


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