A 100-year-old Kenyan elder sought compensation from the British crown, an interesting incident 70 years ago

New Delhi, October 30, 2023, Monday

Britain's decades-old monarchy and royal family are world-renowned. The royal family also travels abroad regularly. Recently, when King Charles of Britain visited Kenya, an interesting case of a 100-year old man demanding compensation came out. In 1952, Kenyan tribesmen organized a concert for Queen Elizabeth.

At a concert near Lake Victoria, a man sang a beautiful song for the Queen, but the Queen did not arrive. In Kenya, relatives of some were interned in a camp in the desolate and mosquito-infested town of Gwasi. He wanted to use the opportunity of the event to make a presentation to the Queen about this. Members of the clan were jailed for 20 years on charges of inciting dissent against British colonialism. However, due to the death of King George IV, Elizabeth suddenly had to cut the trip short and go from Kenya to London.

More than 70 years later, when Elizabeth's son and current King Charles was on a recent trip to Kenya, a 100-year-old man named Nagasura sent a message. The information sent to the British Crown demanded compensation for the hardships and tortures suffered at the time. However, the old man has not given any explanation about how much compensation he wants. According to Buckingham Palace, Charles's visit to Kenya has started on October 29.

The painful historical aspects between the United Kingdom and Kenya are also likely to be discussed on this occasion. Before Kenya gained independence in 1963, the British ruled for 6 decades. For some Kenyan communities, old memories and nightmares are rekindling when the British Crown is organizing a trip to India after a long time. King Charles is likely to meet 100-year-old Buzurg Nagasur. It is also awaited whether Charles will announce a return referring to historical events.


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