The Supreme Court of Nepal also turned a red eye against triple talaq, referring to the judgment of the Supreme Court of India

image : Twitter

Kathmandu, dated 28 September 2023, Thursday

Like India, the Supreme Court of Nepal has also refused to recognize the practice of triple talaq by giving a historic verdict.

The Court of Nepal said in its judgment that, according to the existing laws of Nepal, no other sect's special system can be accepted except the existing law for divorce. Talaq given to women on the basis of Islamic Sharia law is unjust.

A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court of Nepal ruled that a uniform law has been applied to men of all religions.

In a case of triple talaq in Nepal, his wife filed a writ in the Supreme Court against Munwar Hussain, a resident of Kathmandu. Because Hussain married another woman after divorce.

The court said that having more than one marriage is a crime according to the law of Nepal and according to Islamic custom, marriage after divorce will also be considered as polygamy. There is no mention of discrimination against women and giving special authority to men in Islam, so the issue of triple talaq is irrelevant.

The Supreme Court of Nepal in its judgment also referred to the judgment given by the Supreme Court of India regarding triple talaq and said that India has now declared the practice of triple talaq illegal.


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