60 percent higher risk of heart attack and stroke among drug addicts, shocking study

New York Post, September 29, 2023, Friday

According to a report published in a journal in The New York Post, those who are addicted to marijuana have a 60 percent increased risk of heart disease and stroke. In this study, Canadians struggling with various types of addiction were compared with the hearts of non-addicted people. Data of 60 thousand people were included for the research.

During the 8 years of research, special emphasis was placed on the habit and its serious effects. However, the lead researcher author also disclosed that in the data from Canadian addicts we found that the risk of heart and stroke was twice the normal but did not claim that this would apply to all. The study was conducted between 2012 and December 2019. In general, those who initially did not seem to have any problems or did not go to the doctor were considered healthy, but the risks gradually increased in addicts. Earlier research by the American College of Cardiology also found that marijuana users were more likely to develop coronary artery disease.


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