Evidence of life on Mars was found 50 years ago, but everything stopped due to NASA's mistake

- In 1976, NASA's rover found information about the origin of life, but everything was lost

- Water was mixed with Martian soil and turned upside down to test for microorganisms

NEW DELHI: As the search for life on the Moon intensifies, the race to reach and settle humans on Mars has also intensified. Amidst all this, there is a piece of information that is surprising people. According to one report, aliens and alien life were discovered 50 years ago but ended due to NASA's neglect or overzealousness. Dirk Schulz-Much, a faculty member and professor of astrobiology at the Technical University of Berlin, says that aliens were discovered 50 years ago, but NASA put an end to them. The aliens were actually microorganisms living in the Martian soil that were destroyed by NASA's mistake.

An attempt was made to understand the soil of Mars

NASA started the Viking program in the 1970s. Under it, Viking-1 and Viking-2 landers were sent to Mars in 1976. It was through this mission that the world saw the pictures of the red surface of Mars. It was through these landers that attempts were made to understand the possibility of life on the surface of Mars and to understand the soil. For that its biological analysis was also done. The professor said that various experiments were done for this, one of which failed.

In this way the microorganisms were destroyed

Under the Viking program, nutrient-rich water and radioactive carbon were mixed into the Martian soil, the researcher says. Researchers at the time believed that if there were microorganisms in the soil, they would absorb the nutrients. Its presence can be known by detecting the radioactive carbon gas that will come out. Surprisingly, initially radioactive gas was released but no concrete evidence of microorganisms was found. Astrobiologists say that these microorganisms may have absorbed the nutrients but their life may have been lost due to the water. They must also have died out due to excess water and nutrients.

Microorganisms will not have the power to conserve water

Professor Dirk believes that, just as there is water on Earth, there is a possibility of water on Mars. There is no presence of water anywhere. The thing is, the microorganisms there are used to taking nutrients from there without water or as they need it. Water was added to the Martian soil in this mission. The assumption was that microorganisms would react with it. This may have happened initially, but the micro-organisms may have died out before it was fully understood. They will not have the power to absorb or even conserve water. They must have died because of it. Just like a thirsty man wandering in the desert accidentally drinks a drop of salt water and dies here. A fresh and systematic research in this direction can provide proper information.


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