A country in the world where there is no sign of mosquito, it is interesting to know the reason

Reykjavik, June 28, 2023, Wednesday

South Asian countries like India are plagued by mosquitoes. Asia and Africa have the highest number of malaria victims in the world but there is one country in the world where people do not have to worry about mosquitoes. The name of this mosquito free country is Iceland. This island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean takes great care of cleanliness. Mosquitoes breed more in water bodies and puddles where the water is stagnant. Mosquito eggs turn into larvae in stale water. It requires a specific temperature and puddle.

Iceland does not have the right environment to develop the entire life cycle of a mosquito from egg to larva. The temperature of Iceland is also very low. In the winter season, the temperature reaches minus 38 degrees. Mosquitoes cannot breed in such a cold climate. The reason for the absence of mosquitoes in this country with a population of 3 lakh is the frequent changes in temperature here. Not only mosquitoes, snakes, insects, but also micro-organisms like mosquitoes are not seen. However, in Iceland there are insects called midges, which look like mosquitoes and also bite but are not as aggressive as mosquitoes.


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